Sunday, March 17, 2013


in this section it talks about how the U.S soilders are supposed to postively identify their targets but in this case their was no such briefing telling them this.Once they left tthey had split into two seperate units and moved out .they then proceeded through this canyton whrn they were bombarded by enemy fire.Once the soliders fought through the fire fight the continued down the canyon.Tillman and Oneal left their humvee and climbed up a hill and stood behind some boulders trying to get a good vantage point.Minutes later A U.S humvee spread around the ravine and the came to a sudden stop.They then started firing at Pat.After about 30 seconds they figured out that it was a friendly.However seconds later they continued to fire as bullets struck pat in the face.He instantly fell to the ground dead.That is what the section of my book talks about.


Did the men who kill Pat Tillman get caught and punished for the war crimes?

Yes there were six men who were punished for Pat's death and they were kicked out of the military.As well as the man who shot Tillman Trevor Alders

Sources New york times google images

1 comment:

  1. Summary- 5/5
    Review- 0/5
    Focus- 3/5
    Sources- 3/5
    Pictures/video- 5/5
    Grammar/spelling- 4/5
    Total- 20/30
