Monday, March 18, 2013


The book Where Men Win Glory by Jon Krauker is about Pat Tillman a former professional football player who leaves the NFL to join the United States Military.In the book it goes through different stages of Pat's life from when he was a little kid through the time he was shot and killed.This book also gives an inside prospective of the friendly fire shooting that occurred in 2004.As well as how Pats family reacts to and fights for Pat's justice.


I thought that this book was very insightful and well written although I don't enjoy reading all that much I couldn't put the book down.The story of Pat Tillmans death was so terrible but yet intriguing to know more about.That is what I like about Kraukers way of writing.He includes facts as well as a story that will reel you in.I highly recommend this book to anybody no matter what!

Five Interesting Facts

1. Pat could have escaped death by signing another NFL contract with the Tennessee Titans after his first tour of duty was over.

2. The man who shot Tillman is named Trevor Alders

3. There were seven men punished  for Tillmans death. They were all court marshalled and thrown out of the military.

4. Pat and his bother made a promise that they would enter the Army together. They were in the same squad.

5. Until recently the U.S Military covered up Pa'ts death with many lies.Even in Federal court.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


in this section it talks about how the U.S soilders are supposed to postively identify their targets but in this case their was no such briefing telling them this.Once they left tthey had split into two seperate units and moved out .they then proceeded through this canyton whrn they were bombarded by enemy fire.Once the soliders fought through the fire fight the continued down the canyon.Tillman and Oneal left their humvee and climbed up a hill and stood behind some boulders trying to get a good vantage point.Minutes later A U.S humvee spread around the ravine and the came to a sudden stop.They then started firing at Pat.After about 30 seconds they figured out that it was a friendly.However seconds later they continued to fire as bullets struck pat in the face.He instantly fell to the ground dead.That is what the section of my book talks about.


Did the men who kill Pat Tillman get caught and punished for the war crimes?

Yes there were six men who were punished for Pat's death and they were kicked out of the military.As well as the man who shot Tillman Trevor Alders

Sources New york times google images

Sunday, March 10, 2013


In this section of the book it talks about Pat's high school years .As well as the events like how he met his girlfriend and future wife Marie.Then they talk about an incident that occurred at round table pizza,When Pat thought someone was hurting his friend so he started beating the pulp out of the supposed bully.However it turned out that Pat had mistaken the whole situation.

focus Question 

With the situations that have occurred so far in the book do you think people think he is a nice caring guy or more of a big mean jock?

I think that even though Pat has his moment of being mean and violent overall i think that its just part of his personality and he only does it to protect the ones he cares for.So overall I think he was a nice caring young man.


youtube,Where men win glory,Wikipedia,Google images

Sunday, March 3, 2013


In the part that I read in Where men win glory.The book talks about Pat in his high school years and how athletically talented he was.The coaches were quoted saying that pat was the fasted mother f*cker
they have ever seen.Then they talk about how even know he is a great football player the coaches did not think he would not be able to play college ball.Mainly because of his size.However Pat took that and used it as power to get him to even past college.He did this by going on to play for Arizona State University.Then from there starting an NFL career with the Arizona Cardinals.


Was it a possibility that Pat could have left the army safely and return to the NFL to continue his football career?

Yes it was a possibility because when Pat was done with his first tour of duty. The Tennessee Titans offered him a contract to play in the NFL again.However Pat and his brother swore they would commit to three tours of service before anything else so Pat respectfully declined the offer.Which would have saved his life 


google images,Where men win glory,